Personal Mastery & Team Building

Team Building that doesn’t talk about forming, storming and norming?  Radical as it may be, I’ve concluded that Personal Mastery is key to Teaming.  I’ll be focusing on many aspects of Personal Mastery in this blog and welcome your comments.  The first topic is about personal accountability.  It’s so easy to recall the worst team you’ve been on.  What made it bad?  Lack of focus, poor leadership, lack of communication, cliques, gossip, back stabbing?  These are all common answers that people are quick to recollect.  But then when I ask them, “What did you do to contribute to that being the worst team?” they’re often stumped.  “Well, what do you mean? I didn’t have anything to do with it” followed by a repeat of all the things “out there” that made it a bad team–the leader, senior management not giving clear direction, etc.

But they start to see that every action they take either moves them away from being the worst team, or contributes to it staying the worst team, or even making it worse.  Once the first person grasps this concept and shares how they contributed to their worst team experience, it opens the door for others to honestly self-reflect, too.

It takes courage to have this level of self-reflection and accountability.  It is easy to think it’s out there.  But being a victim of circumstances also takes away your control, gives away your power.  Once you begin to develop self-awareness, you have more choice.  When you have more choice, you have more opportunity to create the life you want to be living–at work or at home!

Go to the Personal Mastery link for more postings!

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